新的 Guardian 7 VIP 保护系统

便于携带和隐藏。快速设置和威胁检测。当您在旅途中并需要快速评估威胁时,为 VIP 保护提供谨慎、便携的 DR 解决方案。

凭借 75 微米的像素间距和 2-3 秒的图像捕获,现在比以往任何时候都更容易快速准确地检测可疑物体。

当每个细节都至关重要、判断力很重要且快速反应必不可少时,您需要 Guardian 7。

这种轻巧便携的解决方案占地面积小,易于保持不显眼,同时支持快速设置和高分辨率图像采集——让您能够看到微小的细节并准确评估可能的威胁。与所有 Vidisco 系统完全兼容。

Easy to carry & conceal. Fast setup & threat detection. The discreet, portable DR solution for VIP protection when you’re on the move and need to quickly assess threats.

With a pixel pitch of 75 microns and with image capture of 2-3 seconds, fast and accurate detection of suspicious objects is now easier than ever before.

When every detail is critical, discretion is important & fast reaction is essential, you need Guardian 7.

This lightweight & portable solution has a small footprint, making it easy to remain inconspicuous while enabling fast set up and hi-res image acquisition – allowing you to see the small details and accurately assess possible threats. Fully compatible with all Vidisco systems.